

部分描述由 ChatGPT 3.5 生成,代码为手动查找。

AODV(Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector)是一种自适应的距离向量路由协议,常用于无线自组网中。以下是 AODV 协议的实现中一些比较重要的函数和数据结构及其定义:

  1. struct rt_table:AODV 路由表的结构体,定义于 routing_table.h,包含以下字段:
/* Route table entries */
struct rt_table {
    list_t l;
    struct in_addr dest_addr;	/* IP address of the destination */
    u_int32_t dest_seqno;
    unsigned int ifindex;	/* Network interface index... */
    struct in_addr next_hop;	/* IP address of the next hop to the dest */
    u_int8_t hcnt;		/* Distance (in hops) to the destination */
    u_int16_t flags;		/* Routing flags */
    u_int8_t state;		/* The state of this entry */
    struct timer rt_timer;	/* The timer associated with this entry */
    struct timer ack_timer;	/* RREP_ack timer for this destination */
    struct timer hello_timer;
    struct timeval last_hello_time;
    u_int8_t hello_cnt;
    hash_value hash;
    int nprec;			/* Number of precursors */
    list_t precursors;		/* List of neighbors using the route */

  1. rt_table_t rt_table_find(structin_addrdest_addr):查找 AODV 路由表中与给定目标地址匹配的路由表项。如果找到,返回指向该路由表项的指针;否则返回 NULL。
rt_table_t *NS_CLASS rt_table_find(struct in_addr dest_addr)
	hash_value hash;
	unsigned int index;
	list_t *pos;

	if (rt_tbl.num_entries == 0)
		return NULL;

	/* Calculate index */
	index = hashing(&dest_addr, &hash);

	/* Handle collisions: */
	list_foreach(pos, &rt_tbl.tbl[index]) {
		rt_table_t *rt = (rt_table_t *) pos;

		if (rt->hash != hash)

		if (memcmp(&dest_addr, &rt->dest_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr))
		    == 0)
			return rt;

	return NULL;
  1. rt_table_update(rt_table_t * rt, struct in_addr next, u_int8_t hops, u_int32_t seqno, u_int32_t lifetime, u_int8_t state, u_int16_t flags):AODV 路由表项的输入处理函数,用于更新路由表项。当 AODV 节点收到一个数据包时,会调用此函数更新路由表项。如果该路由表项不存在,会创建新的路由表项并添加到路由表中。
rt_table_t *NS_CLASS rt_table_update(rt_table_t * rt, struct in_addr next,
				     u_int8_t hops, u_int32_t seqno,
				     u_int32_t lifetime, u_int8_t state,
				     u_int16_t flags)
	struct in_addr nm;
	nm.s_addr = 0;

	if (rt->state == INVALID && state == VALID) {

		/* If this previously was an expired route, but will now be
		   active again we must add it to the kernel routing
		   table... */

		if (rt->flags & RT_REPAIR)
			flags &= ~RT_REPAIR;

#ifndef NS_PORT
		nl_send_add_route_msg(rt->dest_addr, next, hops, lifetime,
				      flags, rt->ifindex);

	} else if (rt->next_hop.s_addr != 0 &&
		   rt->next_hop.s_addr != next.s_addr) {

		DEBUG(LOG_INFO, 0, "rt->next_hop=%s, new_next_hop=%s",
		      ip_to_str(rt->next_hop), ip_to_str(next));

#ifndef NS_PORT
		nl_send_add_route_msg(rt->dest_addr, next, hops, lifetime,
				      flags, rt->ifindex);

	if (hops > 1 && rt->hcnt == 1) {
		rt->last_hello_time.tv_sec = 0;
		rt->last_hello_time.tv_usec = 0;
		rt->hello_cnt = 0;
		/* Must also do a "link break" when updating a 1 hop
		neighbor in case another routing entry use this as
		next hop... */

	rt->flags = flags;
	rt->dest_seqno = seqno;
	rt->next_hop = next;
	rt->hcnt = hops;

	if (rt->flags & RT_GATEWAY)
		rt_table_update_inet_rt(rt, lifetime);

//#ifdef NS_PORT
	rt->rt_timer.handler = &NS_CLASS route_expire_timeout;

	if (!(rt->flags & RT_INET_DEST))
		rt_table_update_timeout(rt, lifetime);

	/* Finally, mark as VALID */
	rt->state = state;

	/* In case there are buffered packets for this destination, we send
	 * them on the new route. */
	if (rt->state == VALID
	    && seek_list_remove(seek_list_find(rt->dest_addr))) {
#ifdef NS_PORT
		if (rt->flags & RT_INET_DEST)
			packet_queue_set_verdict(rt->dest_addr, PQ_ENC_SEND);
			packet_queue_set_verdict(rt->dest_addr, PQ_SEND);
	return rt;


  1. hello_send(void *arg):发送 hello 消息的函数,定义于 aodv_hello.c,用于检测邻居节点的存在。每个 AODV 节点定期发送 hello 消息,以便发现邻居节点的变化,并将变化更新到路由表中。
void NS_CLASS hello_send(void *arg)
    RREP *rrep;
    AODV_ext *ext = NULL;
    u_int8_t flags = 0;
    struct in_addr dest;
    long time_diff, jitter;
    struct timeval now;
    int msg_size = RREP_SIZE;
    int i;

    gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

    if (optimized_hellos &&
	timeval_diff(&now, &this_host.fwd_time) > ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUT) {

    time_diff = timeval_diff(&now, &this_host.bcast_time);
    jitter = hello_jitter();

    /* This check will ensure we don't send unnecessary hello msgs, in case
       we have sent other bcast msgs within HELLO_INTERVAL */
    if (time_diff >= HELLO_INTERVAL) {

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_NR_INTERFACES; i++) {
	    if (!DEV_NR(i).enabled)
	    DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "sending Hello to");
	    rrep = rrep_create(flags, 0, 0, DEV_NR(i).ipaddr,

	    /* Assemble a RREP extension which contain our neighbor set... */
	    if (unidir_hack) {
		int i;

		if (ext)
		    ext = AODV_EXT_NEXT(ext);
		    ext = (AODV_ext *) ((char *) rrep + RREP_SIZE);

		ext->length = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < RT_TABLESIZE; i++) {
		    list_t *pos;
		    list_foreach(pos, &rt_tbl.tbl[i]) {
			rt_table_t *rt = (rt_table_t *) pos;
			/* If an entry has an active hello timer, we assume
			   that we are receiving hello messages from that
			   node... */
			if (rt->hello_timer.used) {
			    DEBUG(LOG_INFO, 0,
				  "Adding %s to hello neighbor set ext",
			    memcpy(AODV_EXT_DATA(ext), &rt->dest_addr,
				   sizeof(struct in_addr));
			    ext->length += sizeof(struct in_addr);
		if (ext->length)
		    msg_size = RREP_SIZE + AODV_EXT_SIZE(ext);
	    dest.s_addr = AODV_BROADCAST;
	    aodv_socket_send((AODV_msg *) rrep, dest, msg_size, 1, &DEV_NR(i));

	timer_set_timeout(&hello_timer, HELLO_INTERVAL + jitter);
    } else {
	if (HELLO_INTERVAL - time_diff + jitter < 0)
			      HELLO_INTERVAL - time_diff - jitter);
			      HELLO_INTERVAL - time_diff + jitter);
  1. void NS_CLASS neighbor_add(AODV_msg * aodv_msg, struct in_addr source,unsigned int ifindex):加入新的邻居节点地址。
void NS_CLASS neighbor_add(AODV_msg * aodv_msg, struct in_addr source,
			   unsigned int ifindex)
    struct timeval now;
    rt_table_t *rt = NULL;
    u_int32_t seqno = 0;

    gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

    rt = rt_table_find(source);

    if (!rt) {
	DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "%s new NEIGHBOR!", ip_to_str(source));
	rt = rt_table_insert(source, source, 1, 0,
			     ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUT, VALID, 0, ifindex);
    } else {
	/* Don't update anything if this is a uni-directional link... */
	if (rt->flags & RT_UNIDIR)

	if (rt->dest_seqno != 0)
	    seqno = rt->dest_seqno;

	rt_table_update(rt, source, 1, seqno, ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUT,
			VALID, rt->flags);

    if (!llfeedback && rt->hello_timer.used)
	hello_update_timeout(rt, &now, ALLOWED_HELLO_LOSS * HELLO_INTERVAL);

  1. void NS_CLASS aodv_socket_send(AODV_msg * aodv_msg, struct in_addr dst, int len, u_int8_t ttl, struct dev_info *dev)向指定的 aodv 节点发送数据。关于数据发送的操作都要经过这个函数。
void NS_CLASS aodv_socket_send(AODV_msg * aodv_msg, struct in_addr dst,
			       int len, u_int8_t ttl, struct dev_info *dev)
    int retval = 0;
    struct timeval now;
    /* Rate limit stuff: */

#ifndef NS_PORT

    struct sockaddr_in dst_addr;

    if (wait_on_reboot && aodv_msg->type == AODV_RREP)

    memset(&dst_addr, 0, sizeof(dst_addr));
    dst_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    dst_addr.sin_addr = dst;
    dst_addr.sin_port = htons(AODV_PORT);

    /* Set ttl */
    if (setsockopt(dev->sock, SOL_IP, IP_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl)) < 0) {
	alog(LOG_WARNING, 0, __FUNCTION__, "ERROR setting ttl!");

       NS_PORT: Sending of AODV_msg messages to other AODV-UU routing agents
       by encapsulating them in a Packet.

       Note: This method is _only_ for sending AODV packets to other routing
       agents, _not_ for forwarding "regular" IP packets!

    /* If we are in waiting phase after reboot, don't send any RREPs */
    if (wait_on_reboot && aodv_msg->type == AODV_RREP)

       NS_PORT: Don't allocate packet until now. Otherwise packet uid
       (unique ID) space is unnecessarily exhausted at the beginning of
       the simulation, resulting in uid:s starting at values greater than 0.
    Packet *p = allocpkt();
    struct hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
    struct hdr_ip *ih = HDR_IP(p);
    hdr_aodvuu *ah = HDR_AODVUU(p);

    // Clear AODVUU part of packet
    memset(ah, '\0', ah->size());

    // Copy message contents into packet
    memcpy(ah, aodv_msg, len);

    // Set common header fields
    ch->ptype() = PT_AODVUU;
    ch->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
    ch->size() += len + IP_HDR_LEN;
    ch->iface() = -2;
    ch->error() = 0;
    ch->prev_hop_ = (nsaddr_t) dev->ipaddr.s_addr;

    // Set IP header fields
    ih->saddr() = (nsaddr_t) dev->ipaddr.s_addr;
    ih->daddr() = (nsaddr_t) dst.s_addr;
    ih->ttl() = ttl;

    // Note: Port number for routing agents, not AODV port number!
    ih->sport() = RT_PORT;
    ih->dport() = RT_PORT;

    // Fake success
    retval = len;
#endif				/* NS_PORT */

    /* If rate limiting is enabled, check if we are sending either a
       RREQ or a RERR. In that case, drop the outgoing control packet
       if the time since last transmit of that type of packet is less
       than the allowed RATE LIMIT time... */

    if (ratelimit) {

	gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

	switch (aodv_msg->type) {
	case AODV_RREQ:
	    if (num_rreq == (RREQ_RATELIMIT - 1)) {
		if (timeval_diff(&now, &rreq_ratel[0]) < 1000) {
		    DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "RATELIMIT: Dropping RREQ %ld ms",
			  timeval_diff(&now, &rreq_ratel[0]));
#ifdef NS_PORT
		} else {
		    memmove(rreq_ratel, &rreq_ratel[1],
			    sizeof(struct timeval) * (num_rreq - 1));
		    memcpy(&rreq_ratel[num_rreq - 1], &now,
			   sizeof(struct timeval));
	    } else {
		memcpy(&rreq_ratel[num_rreq], &now, sizeof(struct timeval));
	case AODV_RERR:
	    if (num_rerr == (RERR_RATELIMIT - 1)) {
		if (timeval_diff(&now, &rerr_ratel[0]) < 1000) {
		    DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "RATELIMIT: Dropping RERR %ld ms",
			  timeval_diff(&now, &rerr_ratel[0]));
#ifdef NS_PORT
		} else {
		    memmove(rerr_ratel, &rerr_ratel[1],
			    sizeof(struct timeval) * (num_rerr - 1));
		    memcpy(&rerr_ratel[num_rerr - 1], &now,
			   sizeof(struct timeval));
	    } else {
		memcpy(&rerr_ratel[num_rerr], &now, sizeof(struct timeval));

    /* If we broadcast this message we update the time of last broadcast
       to prevent unnecessary broadcasts of HELLO msg's */
    if (dst.s_addr == AODV_BROADCAST) {

	gettimeofday(&this_host.bcast_time, NULL);

#ifdef NS_PORT
	ch->addr_type() = NS_AF_NONE;

	sendPacket(p, dst, 0.0);

	retval = sendto(dev->sock, send_buf, len, 0,
			(struct sockaddr *) &dst_addr, sizeof(dst_addr));

	if (retval < 0) {

	    alog(LOG_WARNING, errno, __FUNCTION__, "Failed send to bc %s",

    } else {

#ifdef NS_PORT
	ch->addr_type() = NS_AF_INET;
	/* We trust the decision of next hop for all AODV messages... */

	if (dst.s_addr == AODV_BROADCAST)
	    sendPacket(p, dst, 0.001 * Random::uniform());
	    sendPacket(p, dst, 0.0);
	retval = sendto(dev->sock, send_buf, len, 0,
			(struct sockaddr *) &dst_addr, sizeof(dst_addr));

	if (retval < 0) {
	    alog(LOG_WARNING, errno, __FUNCTION__, "Failed send to %s",

    /* Do not print hello msgs... */
    if (!(aodv_msg->type == AODV_RREP && (dst.s_addr == AODV_BROADCAST)))
	DEBUG(LOG_INFO, 0, "AODV msg to %s ttl=%d size=%u",
	      ip_to_str(dst), ttl, retval, len);
